
Please do not take anything said below personally or a hundred percent literally. Humor is a good way to start.


People call me Kyra. 


Now, you will probably expect me to depict myself as an incredibly sophisticated, profound and wise beyond my years alien that somehow got lost among the human species. 


People. That is an understatement. I am the personification of superwoman with a strong sip of mother Theresa`s holy Pálinka and just the right amount of feminism. Beware. Its dominant taste will offend the ignorant, CPR abandoned brain cells and awaken your inner ape. 


My imperfections make me perfect.

I am vulnerable. Hence I am Human.


All my personality traits, my raw emotions, my high highs and low lows make me the unique little potato that I am. Not soley my undoubtedly genius mind but also the bottled up rage, frustration and sadness held against my vicinity and myself makes me as perfect and complete as I can be. 


What I am not:


I am not interested in giving you what your ear wants to hear and your mind wants to think. 

I will not draw fake idealistic mind pictures of my unreachable brilliance and invincibility in your pre-stimulated phantasy land. 

I will not give you the satisfaction of being on par with your projections and expectations in ordert o keep you in your cozy comfort zone.


So who am I. And if yes. How many?:

To answer that question, I asked my dearest and closest relationships and ex-relationships about my persona. I want to offer you a mixture of raw and bloody selfperception and the brutally honest, overcooked perception from the outside world. 


My life`s recepie is colorful and wildly bewildering. 

This recipy has a very vivid, raw taste to its texture. To give you an impression of my ever evolving culinary experiment, I have collected little fragments of my life based and biased findings to offer you an entire full meal course. We came up with the following recepie:


Take a little bit of passion and a lot of ‚I don`t give a shit‘ but never forget the hint of humor and positivity. Then add a good junk of resilience and self-love to form a strong aroma of harmony. This sauce of values and personality traits won`t change its taste just to meet your expecations. It will proudly stay the sauce it is and if necessary it will participate in a food battle, in order to stand up for its rights. But it most definetily is not an ignorant sauce. No, it is very open to inspiration and change but always sticks to the ingredients self-love and passion. This sauce is known for its raw and persistent nature. Even its wildest, saucy dreams – of being a fisty cat like creature – it would bravely fight a lion, even if everybody wants the sauce to just be a sauce. And doing so, it will spread – with its spicy aroma – inspiration and heartfelt empathy. If the sauce could trascend, it would absorb your words like a great piece of white bread. You see, it is a very talented liquid with elaborated autodidactical traits. Now let`s add a pinch of fiery peppers and intense cloves of garlic to breath life into the sauce. When eating it you will feel like falling into light and emotion, but don`t eat too fast or you will burn yourself badly. Then add a slice of pure abundance with a good amount of self-confidence.

The sauce`s ex-lover called ‚Mi Viento del Atlantico y Pacifico‘ would describe the reciepy as very adventurous in its taste. And if you take your time to enjoy the meal you will get magic like feelings of being in a forest sourrounded of dreams. Though the magical ingredient is very protective of its values, and will thus not allow other forest inhabitants to oppress special potatoes like her. It is nature and will fight and build up resistence for nature. It, will fight with it´s entire will power against stigma and its poisonous ingredients. Let`s be sauce and bread for life!


For engeneers:


I am not saying that this exquisite mess of opposing, ambiguous, confusing personality traits alltogether make a tasty meal. But it is what you get and sometimes also what you need in order to be the chef of your own cuisine.


And now I will illuminate my factual brilliance that makes me irreplacable to other powerful potatoe minds of our era:


Since my early childhood years I was told that I have a weirdly piviliged memory of past Events. Thus I started training my weirdness actively every day. The extraordinary autobiographical recall for daily life events is called Hyperthymesia and is one of my main focuses. I call it the weird empathatical brain. It helps me connect a particular experience to certain emotions from different Events. You have to imagine it as a gift and a curse. The gift of perceiving emotional patterns or any sort of pattern easyliy. The curse of sometimes having to deny your own gift in ordert o be social. But how does this work? Internally I instinctively and also partially obsessively compare similiar past emotions to the prevailing ones. My strong episodic memory and my intercultural lifestyle in being raised bilingually and growing up in different countries, such as Germany & Hungary & Texas & Spain, has offered me a wide range of perspectives. This has opened for me many colorful doors to great minds and insights. As you can tell I am a clear case of the OCD syndrom. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) 😀 Or how I like to call it „ the Oxytoscin, Cortsiol, Dopamine Syndrome“ which are hormones that react when you fall in love or obsess about a specific matter. In this matter I am obsessed or even in love with your problems and ideas.


For optimistic Ducklings:


To show my appreciation for my personal, legendary story, I have dedicated my life to spread awareness, give second chances and teach people how to help themselves.


Try to catch me if you can, but I am a free spirit thinker and speaker on a variety of educational platforms such as schools & universities & Lightning Talks Munich. My area of expertise reflects itself in my badass speeches and seminars -Stress Coping Strategies & Sexual- and Mental Health Education & Rhetorics & Intercultural Competence and Communication.


Dancing Bachata & Salsa Cubana with closed eyes is one of my biggest passions besides enjoying nature to its maximum, preferably on my horse`s back, AkroYoga or how I like to call it ‘Agro-Yoga’ and meditation – my calm after the storm.


Thank You for being such a patient reader!

You are also a very unique potatoe 🙂

Have a day! 

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